The Board

Nick Schürmann


El Presidente Nick Schurman, is the leader of our BSA board. He grew up in a small town close to Lucerne and came to study Health Sciences & Technology in Zurich. After coming to Basel to the Biotechnology Master’s, he showed leadership initiative, creativity and interest in embracing the community of our department. Wihout a doubt, his social, communication and organizational skills are apparent, bringing the best out of all of us!

Sean Renwick

Vice President and Industry Relations

Sean Renwick grew up in Chicago and studied Biological Engineering at Purdue University before continuing with his Master’s degree at the D-BSSE. As industry relations coordinator, he hopes to help students from our department find opportunities in Basel and otherwise, and wants to foster a welcoming community here in Basel. Feel free to reach out!

Michael Bohl​


Even though he likes to throw things around in the lab, he is much more responsible when managing the finances of the BSA. Our treasurer Michael Bohl not only looks like a golden retriever, he is a golden retriever. He is also a coding god, a systems genomics carrier who brings his German principles in all of our board decisions. We all hope he brings his presentation openings to the Roche bubble that he is moving to next year. An aspiring hybrid athlete who combines gym, running, body pump and drinking in one day, he is truly showing all of his potential into the BSA community.

Emese Klug

Student Affairs

Hey there! I’m Mesi, your friendly neighborhood Student Affairs Officer all the way from Hungary! I joined the BSA board out of intense fomo, as all my friends were part of it. That said you’ll probably see me at most events (for the same reason). I am generally an indoorsy person, a big fan of binging series and a board game enthusiast. I’m also a bit of a mess, so don’t expect pristine organization here. If you’re in need of help or just fancy a chat, just let me know. I hope you enjoy your time at the DBSSE!

Konstantina Vlachaki

Public Relations

Konstantina is a Greek student born in Athens but studied in Thessaloniki and did her bachelor’s in  Chemical engineering. She came to ETH Zurich to find a lovely community in the BSA. Therefore, she wants to help other students experience some warmth in Basel (especially during winter) by promoting events, giving advice to new students and maintaining the website. She also manages the BSA merch and is always happy to see people in their hoodies! Feel free to came hang out and chat anytime.

Jasna Andonova

Social Events

Jasna comes from the little country of Macedonia where the vodka is cheap and the sun always shines. From weekday to weekend she transforms from a pink princess into a slavic person in jogging pants, while still keeping her funny and charming personality. She misses the cocktails in her home country, which is why she likes to provide everyone with creative drinks during our pints. With her skills in organizing, socializing and making colorful Excel sheets she is the perfect event manager.

Moor de Waal

Social Events

Moor is coming from the Netherlands, but she was actually raised on a little island called Texel. She brings her island chill and cool vibes everywhere she goes, especially when organizing events! Her role as an event manager involves organizing fun activities, from regular Thurday pints to bouldering, swimming and karaoke nights. She is an out-going and optimistic presence which everyone enjoys being around 🙂

Aurimas Greicius

IT and Infrastructure

Aurimas comes from a small but proud country called Lithuania, where he completed his bachelor’s in Molecular Biotechnology at Vilnius University. Eager to explore new horizons, he decided to pursue his Master’s in Biotech at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. His role as a board member is taking care of all things IT & Infrastructure, while also providing general support to foster the organization’s prosperity.